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Of participation in an Open Call

Gallery representation & Exhibition

  • Artworks by 30 selected artists (one artwork per artist) will be represented at the RossArt online gallery during 2 months.

  • Among them, artworks by 10 artists will be selected for the physical group exhibition with a widely announced public vernissage, and artworks by 20 artists will be displayed on a screen at the gallery space during the exhibition.

  • In case of sales, RossArt's commission constitutes 30%.


The exhibition is open to all amateur and professional artists aged 18 and older.

Usage Rights

  • Marketing and Promotion: RossArt and its media partners may use images of submitted artworks for marketing and promotional purposes.

  • Competition License: Artists grant RossArt a non-exclusive, irrevocable worldwide license to use their artworks for competition-related purposes.

  • Copyright Retention: Artists retain full copyright ownership of their artworks.

  • Third-Party Usage: Artworks will not be used by third parties without the explicit permission of the artist.


Submission Rules

  • Number of Submissions: Each entrant may submit up to 10 artworks. The more submissions, the greater the likelihood of selection. The cost of submitting one artwork is CHF 15. If more artworks are submitted than paid for, the application will not be considered. Submission fee is non-refundable.

  • Variety: Submissions can include artworks of different styles: paintings, photograhy, sculptures.

  • Thematic Alignment: Artworks should adhere to the theme of the current Open Call.

  • Originality: Submissions must be original works, solely owned by the entrant, and must not infringe on the rights of others.

  • Content Restrictions: Artworks depicting violence, weapons, or pronounced erotic, political or religious themes will be disqualified, and submission fees will not be refunded.

  • Size Limit: Each artwork must not exceed 60 cm in width.

  • Delivery: If selected, artists are responsible for all delivery and customs costs associated with their artworks. Selected artworks must be delivered at least one week prior to the first day of the exhibition.


Artwork Submission Requirements

  • File Formats: Artworks images submissions must be in JPEG, PNG, or JPG format. A current CV (Curriculum Vitae) should be submitted in either PDF or Word format.

  • Resolution: Images should have a resolution of 300 DPI, with a minimum of 1500 pixels on the shortest side.

  • Images Filename Convention: Files should be named using the format: LastName_FirstName_Title.

  • CV Filename Convention: Files should be named using the format: LastName_FirstName_CV.


Publication and Publicity

  • Winners’ Details: The first and last names (or artistic names) of winners, along with their artworks, will be published on the RossArt website and social media channels.

Clausiusstrasse 64

8006 Zurich



2-25 July only by appointment!

Tue 9:30-14:00

Wed-Fri 12:00-17:30

© 2018 RossArt GmbH

+41 76 221 8862

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