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Viktor Berger

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Paper, cardboard, ink, watercolor.

The artwork is ready to hang.


2019 Galerie Anixis, Baden, Switzerland, solo exhibition
2021 Kunstraum Baden, Galerie der Stadt Baden, Switzerland, group exhibition
2023 Pop-up Gallery Kreuzweg, Baden, Switzerland, team exhibition together with Fredi Staub (objects)

Rain is the source of life and survival. In comparison, my life becomes insignificant. Daily events, whether big or small, turn into episodes that the rain washes away. Political vanities, power, wars—none of these endure. Rain outlasts everything; without it, there would be nothing. With these thoughts, I represent the rain—or more precisely, I allow the rain to represent itself. The paintings were created outdoors, in the rain. The colors chosen refer to nature as it appears at the time of rainfall, and to the mood I am in while working. All the paintings are consistently non-representational. However, upon closer inspection, connections form between the splashes of color; lines and shapes merge into animals, faces, monsters, or symbols. It is the viewers who attempt to bring order to the chaos, to give the anarchy a purpose. As long as they do not speak about it, two people will not see the same thing. Thus, the viewers become the third co-author, the co-creator.
All the paintings are done with wax pastels on paper.


Viktor Berger. Untitled

CHF 1'000.00Preis
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